The Tools You Need
On this page you will find Bible studies to lead on campus, articles to help you or a friend grow in your faith, and tools you will need to help you start conversations with others about faith and God.
Check out our partners over at Cru, who host hundreds of articles, tools, and resources to help you reach your campus for Christ.

Taking the first steps to get closer to God and get into God’s Word.
Knowing God Personally (KGP) Booklet: How you can know God personally.
The Next 5 Destino Follow-Up: Five lessons to learn more about your identity in Christ.
How to Spend Time with God: Tips and creative ideas for looking at the Bible with fresh eyes.
Complete semester and year-long Bible studies to go through with a group.
Encountering Jesus: Essentials Bible discussion focusing on different aspects of who Jesus is.
La Familia de Dios: Our families shape our views of God…for better or for worse! What does it mean that God is “our Father,” or Jesus is “our brother?” and how do we live as members of God’s family?
A Movement that Changed the World: 10-week Bible study on the book of Acts.
Lectio Divina—Miracles of Jesus: Looking for a unique way to read the Bible? Christians have been using this tool for almost a thousand years
Creative ways to start spiritual conversations and help others start a relationship with God.
Knowing God Personally (KGP) Booklet: Communicate how someone can know God personally in these four principles.
God Tools App: Has many tools available to help you start spiritual conversations, includes the KGP.
Soularium Culture Questions: Use these questions with the evangelistic tool Soularium help you start a conversation about culture, ethnic identity, and the Gospel.
“Wondering” Your Way Into Spiritual Conversations: How to create space in everyday conversations for God to work in the lives of those around us.
¿Cuál es tu Destino? Board: Start a conversation on campus about the destiny God has for each of us.
Dia de los Muertos Survey: Explore the spiritual heritage and themes of the holiday with students and use it to talk about Jesus Christ.
¿Como Que Failing?: Helping Latino students succeed academically is extremely important to us in Destino. We imagine many parents asking this same question of their students after their first semester—”What do you mean, ‘failing?!’ Download includes audio of a similar presentation, links to books we used to create our presentation, and a Powerpoint file with notes of our exact presentation.
‘Colored Chalk’ Outreach: Start a conversation on campus about what God thinks about our ethnicity and cul
Ideas for socials, parties, small groups, and getting the word out about your group.
Top 10 ways to advertise Destino on campus!
Top 10 ways to make your Bible study awesome!
Making Plans for Your Campus: Understanding the “why’s” and “how-to’s” of planning for ministry.
Start a Destino group on your campus!
Contact Destino using the form below and a ministry coach who will help you get started!
Destino Movement