Join Us
If you want to be involved with our work of raising up a generation of Latino leaders to change the world, you can find a campus movement to join, volunteer, intern or join staff. We would love for you to join in our mission to see spiritual movements of Latino students, faculty, and community everywhere, so that everyone on earth knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
From an hour a week, to more. Your time can make a difference locally on a campus or nationally.
Want to know what it’s like to serve on a campus, with students, building spiritual movements? You can invest a few hours a week, or a full year. For more on part-time opportunities or a year-long internship.
Full-Time Staff Members
We’re always accepting applications for full-time positions. Your time and talents can influence students on a campus or in your community. In addition, we have openings in specialized fields like Web design, financial administration, event planning, communications and social media strategies. Use the contact form below to get in touch with us for more information on full-time staff opportunities!
Affiliate Staff Members
Destino Affiliates are a motivated, diligent, dynamic group of formal volunteer Destino staff. They raise support only for ministry expenses. Many have worked their way through college, graduated, and are thrilled to get that first post-grad professional job. We recognize that both they and their families have made numerous sacrifices throughout that process.
These young leaders also have a passion for ministry, to see God change lives and to give back to their Latino community. The Affiliate program is perfect for people such as these. They can realize both goals, in a part-time capacities.
There is an opportunity for financial assistance in this ministry for those who make a two year commitment.
Through a campus movement you will meet other Latino students committed to Jesus. At Destino we believe in friendship and community. We often eat together, have Bible studies and spend time having fun as we seek to grow in our faith.