Staff Resources

Hispanics, Latinos, and the Great Commission

Whether you are just starting a Destino movement, growing an existing one, or multiplying your Destino movement to a new area, we are here to help you thrive!

The resources here have been compiled with Destino staff in mind: Destino ambassadors with Cru, as well as affiliate, part-time, and full-time Destino staff. But we believe that students and volunteers with Destino should also benefit from the best of what we have to offer! While students might be better served by visiting our student resource page, both pages are aimed to help you journey with students and faculty to follow Jesus and fulfill their God-given destiny.


Actual human beings. Here to help.

Sandi Ireland – Missions Director with Destino | Sandi has been with Destino since 2009. She primarily coaches Destino team leaders, and she has decades of valuable ministry experience in the U.S..

Ongoing opportunities. Formal and informal. Destino approved.

Destino Course – This is the syllabus to a 7 week Destino training course. Included are the upcoming course dates and instructions to enroll.

Destino Ambassador Summit: April 10, 2018 (1:16:39) – Recorded video. Includes Destino News updates for staff and a Discussion of Destino’s values with Mark Vera.

Quick reads to help you learn more about contextualization and ministering cross-culturally in an Hispanic and Latino context.

“Why Cru and Destino?” by Jason Woodman. Jason gives his best answers to the question, addressing the most common points of view from which it is asked.

“A Whole New World,” by James Medina. A full-time Destino team leader shares five observations he has made in moving from a Cru movement to working with ethnic minority students in Destino.

“5 Majority Culture Postures Towards Ethnic Minority Ministry,” by various white staff working with EFM national ministries. This resource provides clarity and wisdom on topics that are infrequently discussed, namely, the heart attitudes people of majority culture tend to have toward doing ministry with ethnic minorities, and will inspire you to reconsider your role in God’s mission and the ethnic story.

“6 Postures of Ethnic Minority Culture Toward Majority Culture,” by various ethnic minority Cru staff. This article explores how ethnic minority leaders experience and relate to the majority culture, and provides a better understanding of what it means to lead in authenticity and dignity of who we really are.

Summary of Honor and Shame by Roland Muller, summarized by Steve Tibbert, King’s Church London. Each human worldview expresses the consequences of sin in a unique combination of shame, guilt, and fear. This work explores how to take these fundamentals of worldview into account when sharing the Gospel across cultures.

Decoding, filtering, promoting, and surveying tools.

Making Connections in the Latino Community – Meeting Leaders

10 Ways to Decode your Campus by Tom Virtue. “Decoding” is a process for learning about a campus in a more comprehensive way.

Destino Logos in all available formats. Great for creating flyers, posters, and online campaigns. If you don’t have a relay login, please contact us.

“Destino–Tell Me More” survey – great short survey for finding contacts on a majority Hispanic and Latino campus.

Ethnic Identity Survey – six question survey that focuses on the connection between ethnic identity and spiritual identity, with an easy gospel presentation question at the end.

Destino Table survey – a filtering survey, designed to help you get contacts for Destino in a setting where the Hispanics and Latinos might not be the majority population. This survey assumes you are explaining about Destino to your audience, like at a table or a booth.

Resources in Spanish that draw from our ministry presence in Central and South America.

Creative ways to start spiritual conversations and build relationships in the Latino community.

Soularium Culture Questions.  These questions help you start a conversation about culture, ethnic identity, and the Gospel.

“Wondering” Your Way into Spiritual Conversations.  How to create space in everyday conversations for God to work in the lives of those around us.

¿Cuál es tu Destino? board.  Start a conversation on campus about the destiny God has for each of us.

“Waiting on the Alchemist” short film outreach. A college student wrestles with meeting the expectations of his family while still reaching for his dream.  Link explains how to use this film on campus to start spiritual conversations.

Dia de los Muertos survey.  Explore the spiritual heritage and themes of the holiday with students and use it to talk about Jesus Christ.

¿Como Que Failing?  Helping Latino students succeed academically is extremely important to us in Destino.  We imagine many parents asking this same question of their students after their first semester—”What do you mean, ‘failing?!’  Download includes audio of a similar presentation, links to books we used to create our presentation, and a Powerpoint file with notes of our exact presentation.

‘Colored Chalk’ Outreach.  Start a conversation on campus about what God thinks about our ethnicity and culture.

Destino Story Cards Inspired by a resource developed by Epic, a sister movement of Destino for the Asian American context, these cards allow you to ask students to choose one of five types of stories to tell you about themselves: Greatest Lesson Learned, Childhood, Betrayal, Courage, and Love Experienced / Love Lost. Each has guiding questions to keep the story going, as well as transition questions to help you share the gospel as the Spirit leads.

Ideas for Reaching Freshmen.

Follow-up material and resources to help students grow in their faith, and wholeness of identity in Christ.

Five Follow Ups.

Destino Leadership Institute  A multi-year program with a modular based approach. Ends with an official Destino certification process. Some sections are still under development.

Exploring Ethnic Identity.  Short primer on ethnic identity in Christ and suggestions for incorporating ethnic identity into discipleship.

Being Latino in Christ Discussion Group.  Compiled by Destino staff member Kim Cioffi. Discipleship or Small Group material based on the book Being Latino in Christ.

Lectio Divina—Miracles of Jesus  Originally intended as small group material, this would also be great with a group of disciples and get them in the habit of being in the Word together.

How to Spend Time with God.  Adapted from CruPress Green and compiled by Destino staff members.

Collaborative Discipleship Developed by Cru, it aims in part to incorporate general cultural components and contextualized questions into discipleship. The resource is not Hispanic and Latino specific, but it is still helpful.

Moses’ Ethnic Identity.  A one-session Bible study tool for individuals or small groups.  This is an example of how to explore ethnic and cultural identity in narrative passages of Scripture. 

Written and developed by Destino staff.

La Novela de Dios. Murder, betrayal, sacrifice, pledges of undying love…the Bible reads more like a novela than a holy book sometimes! Complete with videos, this series will help you take a fresh look at God’s Word.

Global Short Film Network Familia Discussions. Short films and passages from Scripture to engage spiritually interested people, new believers, or people who have known Jesus for awhile.

La Familia de Dios. [zip file download] Our families shape our views of God…for better or for worse! What does it mean that God is “our Father,” or Jesus is “our brother?” and how do we live as members of God’s family?

Encountering Jesus. Essentials Bible discussion focusing on different aspects of who Jesus is.

Drawing Near. [zip file download] Covers some fundamental concepts of our faith, as well as learning together how to spend regular time with the Lord and keep it fresh.

A Movement that Changed the World.  10-week Bible study on the book of Acts.

Planning and Administrative resources.

Making plans for your campus and Strategic Planning Template.  These can help your students understand the “why’s” and “how-to’s” of planning for ministry.