Raising Money for Your Missions Trip
Raising the money can be one of the scariest parts of going on a summer missions trip. “Where in the world am I going to get $4,000 for this trip?” But it also represents one of the biggest ways that you can grow in your faith.
It’s always true that, “It’s never about the money, its always about what God wants to do in your heart.” God is concerned with seeing you grow in your ability to trust Him and provide. After all, He “owns the cattle on a thousand hills”, He’s got all the money in the world.
Our job is just to take the initiative in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God. It is our responsibility to work hard, it is His responsibility to provide the ministry partners we need for summer project.
You’ll notice that we don’t call it “fundraising” There is a reason for that. We aren’t after people’s money, we’re giving them an opportunity to join with us in ministry. And so we call this process Ministry Partner Development. People who donate money to help fund your mission are making an investment. Think about it…probably many of the people you send a letter will want to go on your trip with you, they just can’t. By giving financially it is like, in God’s eyes, they are getting on the plane with you and doing ministry right next to you. You are not begging for money. You are sharing an opportunity with them to be involved in what God is doing around the world. Don’t be ashamed. Many people will even thank you for asking!
A Support Coach
Throughout the entire process you’ll have a support coach guiding you along the way. You’ll talk to them each week to get ideas, pray together, and plan for what to do next. MPD is one of the biggest ways you can develop as a leader and we want to provide a mentor who will be with you every step of the way. You’ll fill out a report at the end of each week to your coach sharing what you worked on that week and how much money God provided so far.
The Process
Once you are accepted for project and given a support coach, you’ll begin the process. The first thing you’ll do is begin the letter writing process. This is probably the place where you’ll see the majority of your support come in (in fact, many people get ALL their support this way). After you begin the letter writing process you’ll then want to start thinking about other options you can do to raise support.
After Writing Letters
Bucket Brigade. Watch a video explaining how…
BBQ Dinner Plate Sale. Watch a video explaining how…
Other Ideas to Try…
- Sell Raffle Tickets for Donated Item.
- Go to Businesses in your hometown or college town and ask them to invest in your mission.
- Speak at your local Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
- Talk to your Pastor or Priest
- Talk to Missions Pastor at Church
- Cook and Sell Tamales/Pupusas
- Bake Sale on campus!
- Garage Sale
- Get creative…next year your idea can be listed here to help others!